Saturday 17 September 2016

Captain Black Shadow

- Janina Franck

"Griffin sighed and looked over the ocean beyond the docks. There was so much more for him out there. He thought about the many drawings and stories he had made as a child." - Taken from the book.

Let me begin by saying that though I love to watch pirate movies, I don't necessarily care to read about them. They're just not my thing, however, I do enjoy adventure reads, and I really enjoy coming of age reads, and this one seems to be a two for one. I was not disappointed.

The book begins with the story of the curse of Captain Black Shadow and then goes on to introduce the main character Griffin and his desire to take the reigns of his own life and finally get off of his family's island, sadly, things do not go as planned. From there, the adventure begins.

If I had anything to say against this particular read it would have to be that the chapters are extremely long, and at times the writing seemed a bit underwhelming, to say the least. However, this is certainly a book that will suck you in if you stick with it and give it a chance.

From what I can understand, this is Franck's first novel, and more than anything, I look forward to what this author comes out with in the future, and I'm excited to see their writing improve over the years.